This is not a photograph. The name ‘promptography’ was given to the image created by AI, and the work has been ongoing since 2022. I love photography, and I love creating images with AI, but I realized that the two are different. One is writing with light, while the other is writing with prompts (computer commands). These two are connected. It is true that (AI’s) visual images were learned from photos, but AI now has its own domain. 신 현 국 STORY VIEW COMPANY CEO Adjunct Professor, Department of Beauty lndustry in Sungshin Women’s University EDITORIAL maison, vogue, W, elle, noblesse china, marie claire, the style, noblesse, heren, allure, bazaar, etc. ADVERTISEMENT The SHILLA JEJU, 리츠칼튼호텔, N 서울타워, 국민은행, 조흥은행, 외환은행, 겔랑, 질레트, 오랄비, 한국관광공사, 피자헛, 현대해상, 브 라운스톤, 벽산블루밍, 웅진코웨이, 삼성카드, 애니콜, 삼성기업 PR, 삼성생명, CJ mall, etc. EXHIBITION 2023.09 ITAEWON HERITAGE PROJECT ‘Gyozipop-up’ 전: 서울 2023.10 하나대투 대치동골드클럽 초대전: 서울 2023.11 Micheko Galerie(미헤이 갤러리) 초대전: 독일 뮌헨 etc. Inspired from Abstract Expressionism, Untitled (Shades of Red) of Mark Rothko 43